What is healthy ageing ? Biological theories of Ageing.


Healthy ageing or Successful aging

Successful aging refers to a process by which deleterious effects are minimized preserving function until senescence make continued life impossible.

Normal Aging: 

Normal aging refers to the common complex of disease impairments that characterises many of the elderly. Normal aging is the aging which occur without disease that is there are a number of physiological changes that do not involve a disease or patholoigcal process and through there may be bodily changes in the person. The person enjoys normal mental function and sound healtg and is able to live independently with a good quality of life.

People identify with successful aging having following features

1.       Physical health : A good physical health is a major indicator of successful aging it includes the stamina or endurance, physical strength and active physical activity. It also gives a major evidence of his or her previous life that they were physically active or inactive. Hypo activity leads to decrease physical, mental and spiritual power which is scientifically proved. Research shows that the individual who are above 75 year old they avoid physical activity and it’s common in female then male.

2.       Financial security : Financial security means economical indipendence including the access to health insurance and expendeture.

3.       Productivity and employment : Productivity refer to the ability of doing and continuing work or profession. Which may be personal business , government and private job.

4.       Independence

1.       Coping well and an optimistic outlook

2.       Staying involve.

Biological therories of aging

1.     Immune theory

2.        Neuro-endocrine theory

3.       Free radical theory

4.     Cell aging theory

5.       Somatic mutation theroy

6.       Error theory

Functional Changes of aging:

1.       Cell: The atrophy of cell which reduce cell mass and cell rigidity in human boby at later age.

2.       Tissue become lumpy or more rigid which causes nodular findings

3.       Bones become weaker and more likely to break

4.       Decrease muscle mass and strength

5.       Decrease the level of hormone

6.       Loss of vision

7.       Change in color perception

8.       Changes in hearing

9.       Diminished taste and smell

10.   Skin become thinner, less elastic, direr and wrinkled.

11.   Decrease cardiac function, lung function and other aging function.


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